The Top 20 Marketing Blogs

Ad Age’s Power150 list of marketing blogs–top 20 as of July 4, 2011 shown below– proves the world has plenty of topnotch marketing blogs.

And yet, after a cursory investigation of the list, no one is covering my niche: the discovery and sharing of cutting edge, quirky, cottage industry techniques by marketers doing their own creative, unorthodox or just plain desperate thing. For now, this appears to be a subject no one has claimed. No one but me.

As for my compatriots listed below, Ad Age DIGITAL ranks a total of 1186+ marketing bloggers all judged by a range of numerical data on a daily basis. Click here (it takes a second to load) for the complete list.

The Top 20 list is worth checking out. I can recommend Copyblogger and  Some of the others listed above are business operations that hit you up for a monthly subscription fee. Many feature guest bloggers rather than posts from the founder. Rand Fishkin (SEOmoz) and Jay Baer (Convince&Convert) are examples of highly knowledgeable pros who’ve grown so popular they require a monthly fee or rely on a retinue of guest bloggers. Still, no one beats Rand Fishkin for SEO expertise. And Jay Baer remains state-of-the-art on the ever changing world of social media.

As we all know, life is short and summer is sweet. Still, I hope you’ll take the time to check out a few that pique your interest. It pays to have experts like these to consult when it’s time to step up your efforts.

About the Author: Maureen Fischer is QuirkyMarketing’s author and resident conversationalist. She provides content marketing–both strategy and execution– to clients in a range of industries.